Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Research in the net what is the best assembler and why.

Cite your reference.


A86 (with its 32-bit version A386) is the finest assembler available, at any cost under any terms, for the Intel 86-family of microprocessors (IBM-PC, compatibles, and not-so-compatibles).
A86 accepts assembly language source files, and transforms them directly into either: (1) .COM files executable under DOS (or in a DOS box under Windows), starting at offset 0100 within a code segment; (2) .OBJ files suitable for feeding to a linker to create EXE files; or (3) object files starting at offset 0, suitable for copying to ROMs. A86 is a full featured, professional-quality program. I designed A86 to be as closely compatible to the standard Intel/IBM assembly language as possible, given that I insisted upon making design and language enhancements necessary to make A86 the best possible assembler.


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